Friday 27 July 2018

Dangerous Cosmic Rays Pass Close to Earth ‘Tonight’. !!!

Dangerous Cosmic Rays Pass Close to Earth ‘Tonight’. !!!


This claim has been around for years and makes no scientific sense whatsoever.
Rumors of "night tonight" dangerous terrestrial rays passing through the earth, are very similar in their phrases, are increasingly being gathered in our inbox for more than a year.


Warnings, which have been around at least 2017, and are assured of the lack of timeless specific dates or discussions of time zones, are usually phrased:
VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure to turn off your phone, cellular, tablet etc. from 00:30 to 03:30 at night and keep away from your body! Singapore TV announced on the news! Please tell your family and friends! There will be a lot of radiation from 12:30 to 3:30 for our planet tonight! The temporal rays pass close to the earth, so please turn off your cell phone! Do not leave your body close to your body, it can cause terrible damage to you! See Google and NASA BBC News! Send this message to all the people who are important to you! Thank you.

Alcohol is equally involved in the warning. When astronomers discuss cosmic rays, they almost always refer to the high energy proton outside the solar system, which travels at the speed of light, and is thought to get out of the super-overs from the explosion of Storno. . Occasionally, in the word high energy is included in the particles, as is described by Caltech astronomer Richard Maawold: is weighted in the outer space, which is almost at the speed of the bones and the earth is from all directions From freedom to the best elements, most elements bring on light elements. [...] The term "COSMIC RAY" usually refers to galactic cosmic rays, which are produced in sources outside the solar system, which distribute under our galaxies, our galaxy is distributed in the galaxy.

National Aeronautics and Space Association (NASA) says :-

The National Aeronautics and Space Association (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAAA) (between other agencies) monitor the sun for continuous gathering of sensation particles in continuous direction. They do not do that they are not due to health risks (not you are not an astronaut in space), but due to the risk they are described as loud, as described by Nagra, as long as a coronal mass Injection, and our particles should travel through mobility. They have garnagays, along with the OpenSizer, and are formed, which depends on GPS, as a result For GPS satellites frequencies, either you depend on GSP, it accurately matches, and can accurately form one. This interference is filled with simmer, collected for a solar flare Does a transit before a sesame, along with a small force. But during these solar storms, they bounce up in the sky, which boil the inability to get the same bounce from these storms.

The Risk To Our Health

These events will not have any direct health risk for humans on the surface of the Earth, and as such the non-stimulating risk will not be done according to the presence of a cell phone accordingly. The idea is that NASA will send the effect that will not warn more than this year that there is no warning about solar activity from 2010 to 2015, during any such event, any route on the placement of your cell phone Not provided. Extra, it tells that such incidents are usually disrupted in our magnetic field. Time, as long as Sonorgi comes from the explosion. But, however, it is that the white scientist is in the field, and that it runs through any magnetic field, which is not left straight for the same root, then we also for the kind of breeds like the in-laws, once again For a softer from a decorator, once again a decorator has become an orange.
In the context of the health effects of humans on the ground, similar to solar radiation, this background does not cause immediate damage to cosmic radiation and, as long as you do not reach high radiation levels in polar regions, according to the NOAA,

High Radiation COSMIC RAYS

When these particles hit the atmosphere, large shavings of secondary particles are made with anything reaching the ground. These particles create little danger for humans and systems on the ground [...]. The Earth's own magnetic field also works to save the Earth from these particles, which is taking them away from the equator but provides less protection to the polar regions [...]. This continuous bathing of GCr particles on high latitudes may increase air exposure to high latitude and altitude and radiation exposure for passengers.

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