Thursday 16 August 2018

Strategy of Technology Brokering

The Main Idea Behind the Breakthrough of Innovative Ideas !!

The key to creating the breakthrough products of the future is to do an even better and more creative job of exploiting what has already worked in the past – both in your own industry and in other unrelated industries.

The Breakthrough 

In other words, very few (if any) business breakthroughs come in a “eureka moment” – where an individual has a flash of brilliance which leads to a new and revolutionary product. Instead, the vast majority of worthwhile and valuable breakthroughs come as a result of “technology brokering” – where the ideas and concepts which have worked in one industry are transplanted into another entirely different industry. Thus, to succeed in the future, do a better job of harnessing the past.

1. The strategy of technology brokering

Technology brokering is all about being organized around the process of the recombination of old ideas
rather than invention. To be an effective technology broker, you need to span a number of industries and
move ideas from where they are known and practiced to where they are not. Recombinant innovation is the
essence of how to come up with product breakthroughs.

2. The importance of networks for technology brokering 

To become better at technology brokering, expand your networks and broaden your perspective. To be
more specific, there are three things you can and should do:

How to innovate

3. How to implement technology brokering in your firm 

To pursue innovation within your own firm by employing a technology brokering strategy, you can take any
of three distinct actions:
Network building

The Strategy Behind Technology Brokering

Technology brokering is all about being organized around the 
process of the recombination of old ideas rather than invention. 
To be an effective technology broker, you need to span a number 
of industries and move ideas from where they are known and 
practiced to where they are not. Recombinant innovation is the 
essence of how to come up with product breakthroughs.

Technology Differs :- 

Every technology, no matter how simple or complex, will be an
arrangement of three different
achieve a specific objective:
The essential elements behind every Technology

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